Rattan Warm Bamboo Massage

Image for Rattan Warm Bamboo Massage


Rattan bamboo massage is the practice of using various lengths of warm bamboo and rattan (another palm plant) stalks to knead the muscles into a melted bliss. These tools are used in the context of a relaxation massage, and the result is a deep and warm relaxing massage. The bamboo or rattan stalks are held by the therapist and rolled over the tissue in a similar way they would with their hands. This technique is similar to a hot stone massage, where the warm tools are applied to the tissues to support a deeper release. Some techniques use the bamboo to stretch the fascia (connective tissue) in different directions in order to loosen adhesions (tightness in connective tissue). Other techniques involve light tapping with the bamboo sticks to stimulate blood flow and increase circulation to the muscles. The massage can be as light or as deep as necessary.
