Lomi Lomi Massage

In Hawaiian, Lomi Lomi means knead knead, or to knead with the hands. Lomi Lomi is a prayer in motion. Kahi Loa Also known as the "light touch" Lomi, Kahi Loa incorporates elemental visioning and intuitive earth based imagery with Hawaiian light touch techniques to redesign mental emotional or spiritual blocks into new, life affirming neuropathways. By shifting internal representations and anchoring the imagery experience through the body with touch, Kahi Loa is the best medicine for expanding conscious awareness, rewriting limiting beliefs or traumas, and renewing our internal connection to Nature as guide to healing. Length: 60 minute session, or included with Temple style 3 hour session. Heartworks Lomi Lomi This flowing style of massage deeply influences the heart, and accesses natural states of trance through which the mind lets go into nourishing and rejuvenating spaces for the mind, heart, spirit, and body. Each stroke of this massage is inspired by the movement of the ocean waves, flowing against the shore. Nature moved in circles, in cycles, in waves. The receiver is encouraged to breathe in a flowing style to fully undertake the experience of being cleansed by the water. Because this style greatly moves lymph and blood through muscles, detoxifying breath through the lungs, and energy through meridians, a Lomi massage of this style is a full being cleansing and renewing experience. Length: 90 minute session. Temple Style Lomi Lomi With full length energized flow strokes, Temple Lomi Lomi activates and frees up locked potential in the body, mind, and heart. Soothing deep joint rotations open and loosen stiff joints, increasing flexibility. Rejuvenating and deeply in nature, this practice is for those seeking to integrate their own personal life intentions into their bodywork experience. These sessions are 2-3 hours in length and incorporate breath, imagery, intention setting, and shamanic tools (drum, feathers, chanting/singing, dance) to facilitate a full transformative opportunity. What to expect: Lomi Lomi is performed unclothed, with full to modest draping, on a massage table, and uses oils to create it's flowing strokes. Option for chest and belly massage. A Hawaiian blessing is often spoken, or sung at the beginning of the session.